87.5 F
Charlotte Amalie
Wednesday, July 17, 2024


State of the Territory | Editorial: A Reflection on Tolerance and Respect During Pride Month

In her bi-weekly column, “State of the Territory,” former Sen. Janelle K. Sarauw delves deeper into issues of concern for V.I. residents. This week she encourages people to practice tolerance and wishes the LGBTQ+ community a Happy Pride Month.

Editorial: Innovation Needed to Fix WAPA

WAPA's woes are no secret: frequent outages, mounting debt, sky-high rates. Gov. Bryan's announcement of potential federal funds offers a glimmer of hope, but it's a temporary fix at best. We need a long-term solution.

Editorial: Reflecting on Tragedy and Urging Action for Mental Health Care in the U.S. Virgin Islands

The recent and tragic death of nine-year-old Ja'Qeada Issac on St. Thomas has shaken our community to its core. While official details surrounding the circumstances are still coming to light, the collective grief and anguish felt by those who knew the family — and even those who didn’t — has been palpable.

EDITORIAL: Carnival Guns Are A Crime Against Us All

Alrick Thomas’ family and friends will lay him to rest Friday. The 54-year-old husband and father was shot to death while working for the Department of Public Works — getting the streets clear and safe to reopen after the adult St. Thomas Carnival parade.

Editorial: “Local Tourists” Burst With VI Pride

There are two ways to show affection for our lovely islands: rejoice in their splendor and work to make them better.

World Press Freedom Day 2022: Journalism Matters More than Ever

As the entire world focuses on the results of authoritarianism turned dictatorship emanating from Moscow while relating it to what Trump did to the United States under the false accusation of fake news, it is important to see how far less dramatic slights can nonetheless undermine the community’s Constitutional right to know.

Editorial: Corporal Punishment in V.I. Schools is Behind Us

Thanks to four relentless female senators (and many others along the way) our children can finally go to school without fear of beatings. But how long will it actually take for their fear to subside and other abuses – such as verbal – to become punishments of the past?

Editorial: Beware the Pitfalls and Profits of Privatization

With power outages cascading across the territory and the news in the last week – even getting attention on National Public Radio on the mainland – we worry these events might presage a new drive toward privatization of our public utility.

Editorial: The Source Grips Journalistic Principles in Defense of Democracy and Order

That the “announcement” of the “retirement” of Police Commissioner Trevor Velinor at the end of his contract on June 30 did not come from Government House speaks to the complete lack of leadership at the top.

Editorial: The Local News Industry Needs Local Advertising to Survive

Many newspaper publishers have expressed concern over how Google and Facebook are directly hurting their bottom line. It is with this in mind that the Source offers some insights into the financial state of the newspaper industry.

MLK: Where Do We Go from Here; Chaos or Community?

This year the Source cannot escape marking the celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birth with the farsightedness of his final book, finished on a four-week retreat to Jamaica in 1966 – 55 years ago – and published in June 1967.

Editorial: Christmas Holds Hope, Love, Charity and Light

You would not expect to find hope in a book about coronavirus. But after months of holding my emotional own against the tidal wave of anxiety and bad news, that’s where I stumbled upon a moment of something like faith in the future. 

Editorial: Assumptions, Silence, Apathy are Deadly for Children and Community

The silence is deadly in the aftermath of the dramatic, daylight killing of 29-year-old Rique Ashby and his cousin, 14-year-old Aaron Ashby, as they operated a backhoe cleaning up overflowing trash in the, as yet to be demolished, former Tutu Hi-Rise Housing Community.

Editorial: Why Does the PSC Board Want to be the WAPA Board?

The Legislature is considering a bill to give the Public Services Commission power to resolve water and power customer complaints. While clearly well-intentioned and aimed at helping consumers, senators should vote it down.

Unconstitutional Bill to Punish Beach Homeowners is a Blot on USVI Legislature

On Thursday, Senators are bringing back a plainly unconstitutional bill to force certain homeowners to spend money, not to fix up their homes, but to build roads, pathways, sidewalks and handicapped access ramps across their yards for strangers to use.

Editorial: Governor Should Veto Proposed Changes to Cannabis Board

The Senate passed a bill Monday to restructure the Cannabis Advisory Board, a change that will render it impossible to fill, probably result in gridlock and confusion and delay the start of a legal Virgin Islands cannabis market. The governor should veto it.

The Source Supports Black Lives Matter and Condemns Police Brutality

The Virgin Island Source stands with the Virgin Islands community and supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement around the world in condemning police brutality and systemic racism.

There Might Have Been Other Steps Before Closing the Beaches

As we watched ignorant, self-absorbed individuals ignore the pleas of Gov. Albert Bryan Jr. to keep our distance, our greatest fear was that the many who have done as requested and need the stress relief of sun, salt water and some breathing room would suffer.

Imagine If V.I. Kids Could Go to the Library After School

This is the first in an ongoing series of articles imagining the big, positive changes that could affect people’s lives from little, inexpensive changes here and there, building a more utopian U.S. Virgin Islands.

Editorial: Local Journalism Matters

In our scattered daily news consumption, we pick up bits and pieces from our social media accounts, radios, TVs, family, friends and coworkers. We read snippets here and there, and glaze over headlines that we talk about in our social settings with conviction.


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