Virtue of the Week: Perseverance

Perseverance is being steadfast and persistent. You commit to your goals and overcome obstacles, no matter how long it takes. When you persevere, you don’t give up, you keep going. Like a strong ship in a storm, you don’t become battered or blown off course. You just ride the waves.

You are practicing perseverance when you:

– Choose your commitments wisely,

– Set goals and stick with them until completed,

– Pace yourself, and take one step at a time, and

– Don’t let doubts or tests blow you off course.


I finish what I start. I keep steady in what I choose to do. I am loyal and committed.

The Family Connection was established in 2005 by the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands as an early-childhood initiative. The mission of TFC is to strengthen the community child care and early education infrastructure in the USVI by building awareness of the importance of early learning and development for success and working with community agencies to promote quality care and education.

One of its efforts is the Virtues Project, an international initiative focused on building peaceful and caring communities.

The Source supports the Virtues Project. We will publish one of the virtues developed by the project each week. 

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