Fewer Salvation Army Bell Ringers on St. Croix This Year So Maybe Give Online?

The Salvation Army’s biggest fundraiser every year is its Red Kettle Campaign, where volunteers, sometime dressed as Santa, ring bells outside of stores and encourage shoppers to think of the less fortunate. But because of COVID-19 and KMart beginning to close, on St. Croix they have fewer people out on the street this year than last. So if you want to help out those less fortunate than ourselves this year, think of giving online.

Volunteers help out, collecting for the Salvation Army outside of Plaza Extra West on St. Croix in 2020. (Image courtesy of Salvation Army of St. Croix)

“Here at The Salvation Army of St. Croix we have begun our Red Kettle campaign,” Steven Thomas, Captain in The Salvation Army told the Source.

“Our goal is $11,000. A donation to the red kettle helps to meet needs in our community year-round. Unfortunately, the restraints of Covid-19 have proven a challenge for our efforts to raise funds. Where last year we were able to ring the bell for donations at 4 stores, this year we can only ring at one. The Salvation Army is committed to helping create change in our community, and you can be a part of that change for good! Thomas said in an email.

A volunteers for the Salvation Army outside of Plaza Extra West on St. Croix in 2020. (Image courtesy of Salvation Army of St. Croix)

“This year you can even donate online, through Google Pay or Apple Pay. The website to donate can be found on our Facebook Page; The Salvation Army St. Croix. https://www.facebook.com/TheSalvationArmyStCroixVi Together we can be the change in our community,” he said.

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