Heavy Downpours Stifle Crucian Life for a Day

A container truck navigates a flooded intersection in Gallows Bay.

Torrential downpours and monsoon-like conditions had Crucians battening down the hatches in the wee hours Thursday and then again in late morning. By noon, most on St. Croix had lost power.

Schools and non-essential government offices closed down, and many a dog hid in fear of the thunder. Nevertheless, a few brave souls ventured out and managed to navigate flooded areas such as Gallows Bay and, heading east,  Southgate and Boetzberg.

Suspended seaplane operation stranded passengers, some of whom had to find lodging for the night.

Skies finally calmed in the afternoon and drone pilots here for disaster relief work resumed operation. When sun rays broke through the drizzle around 3 p.m., those with cabin fever rejoiced.

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