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HomeNewsArchivesVIPD Seeks Local Musicians for Holiday Safety Campaign

VIPD Seeks Local Musicians for Holiday Safety Campaign

The Virgin Islands Police Department is asking local musicians to help get the message out about holiday driving safety by writing and recording jingles that can be used in announcements.

The department launched a campaign to increase safe behavior during the holiday season and the 60th anniversary of the Crucian Christmas Festival. They are asking bands and solo artists to record and submit a 30-second jingle promoting safety.

“It’s important that we get the message across to the community to be safe, stop the violence, observe all laws and be our brother’s keeper,” said Public Information Officer Melody Rames. “What better method is there to use than music, the universal language?”

Rames asked bands, singers and solo artists, whether professional or amateur, to create a 30-second safety jingle that carries a message against violence, criminal activity, drinking and driving, texting while driving, monitoring your children’s activities or any other appropriate safety message.

She added that the performers should incorporate their names or the name of their groups in the message.

Finished jingles can be burned to a CD and dropped off at any VIPD substation with instructions to deliver it to the PIO. They also can be uploaded Youtube, with the web address link sent by email to mrames@vipd.gov.vi.

Deadline for submission is Dec. 17. The jingle will be incorporated into the VIPD’s holiday safety messages that will air through the holiday season.

Rames called the campaign "a great way for musicians to influence the community in another positive way."

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