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Saturday, June 29, 2024
HomeNewsArchivesThe Reasons for Legalizing Marijuana

The Reasons for Legalizing Marijuana

Dear Source:

I applaud the success of the recent marijuana raids. I perceive it as a job well done because growing and possesion is still illegal. Unfortunately, because it is illegal, a byproduct is an underground economy and the accompanying crime.
Prohibition ended in the 1933, why now have we not learned our lesson? Some people like to drink, some people like to smoke, and some like both. Yes, the effects of alcohol have tragically ended in broken families sundered lives. However, it is legal, taxed and ingesting it is not a crime.
This is a no ‘brainer’. Whether we like it or not, people will continue to smoke, “weed, ganja, herb”. Some do it for recreation while others abuse it. The real tragedy in its being illegal is it creates an underground economy; unregulated and untaxed, with big money to be made. Creating crime; gun use, threats, bribing, smuggling etc…
I’m not a fan, but I’m not here to judge. Yes, I’m a wine fan, and love to visit the vineyards. It’s big business.
Think about it!
If legalized, all the dealings will be open, the product could be tested for adulteration, taxes collected, etc…
This could be a real start on making a dent on crime in our community.
Senators take a stand!!! Community and voters, help those who are willing to take a stand. Let’s begin to bring down the level of crime, and boost the economy. See: “Marijuana Growers Targeted in V.I. Raids”
Elena Shaubah
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