81.7 F
Charlotte Amalie
Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Feb. 6, 2002 – More than 500 works by 60 Caribbean artists will be on exhibit at the 15th annual Good Hope School Caribbean Fine Art Exhibit.
The show will be up Feb. 15-18 at the school, located in Estate Whim.
There'll be a preview for students from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Feb. 15, with the opening reception that evening from 7 to 9 p.m.
Exhibit hours will be 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Feb. 16 and 17, and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Feb. 18.
Admission is free at all times except for a $25 charge for the opening reception.
All of the artwork will be for sale, with the proceeds going to the Good Hope School Scholarship Fund. Included in the show are watercolors, oils, photographs, sculpture, note cards, prints, clothing, posters, jewelry and more. "It's the biggest, the best and the one that offers the most variety of art media," school development director Petra Victor said.
This year's show is dedicated to Jean Merwin, a Frederiksted artist who died last year. Victor said Merwin was a long-time exhibitor at the show and had several times created the poster for the event.
The poster artist this year is St. Croix resident Betsy Campen. Her painting "View from 2 Company Street, Christiansted, Virgin Islands" also was used on the opening reception invitations. While posters are used to promote the event, they also are sold as souvenirs.
Several of the exhibitors will be on hand for the student preview. Teachers — of all subjects, not just art — are invited to bring their students to view the show at that time so that the youngsters can interact with the artists. For more information, call the school at 772-0022.

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