WAPA Completes Extended Water Sampling for Downtown Christiansted

WAPA continues to make progress on extended water sampling. (Shutterstock image)

The V.I. Water and Power Authority has completed extended water sampling in collaboration with the Department of Planning and Natural Resources in downtown Christiansted, an additional step in ongoing efforts to ensure the safety of the authority’s potable water supply, the agency announced Wednesday.

Sampling extended to Frederiksted Wednesday where additional water sampling will be conducted, followed by Clifton Hill on Thursday. Strawberry Hill, the first neighborhood to receive new waterline installations after testing positive for high levels of lead and copper, was resampled on Wednesday to confirm if lead levels are undetectable and/or have returned to below action level, according to the press release.

The move comes after tests conducted at the end of September and returned to the territory Oct. 13 showed elevated amounts of lead in 35 of 65 test sites and elevated copper levels at 15 sites on St. Croix. A few test sites revealed dangerously toxic water.

To further engage with residents and address community concerns, WAPA attended the Lew Muckle PTA meeting Wednesday night and provided an overview of the steps WAPA is taking to combat lead components and ensure safe and clean drinking water, the release stated. The authority remains steadfast in its commitment to working closely with its partners and the Joint Information Center to provide immediate relief to St. Croix residents, it said.

There are two Health Department hotlines available for residents to call from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday with health concerns related to lead in potable water. Individuals may call 340-712-6299 or 340-776-1519. DPNR also operates a hotline number related to concerns on sampling, 340-514-3666, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

For more information click here.

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