4-H Ambassadors Donate Thanksgiving Dinner Turkeys

The 4-H Ambassadors gave Thanksgiving turkeys and groceries to 25 families at the Great Hall on the St. Croix Albert Sheen Campus of UVI. (Source photo by Linda Morland)

The University of the Virgin Islands Great Hall on the St. Croix Albert Sheen Campus was full of holiday spirit as 4-H Ambassadors assembled to complete their Thanksgiving food drive on Tuesday, November 22.

Grace King, 4-H educator, said, “We are fundraising for the community. We have this wonderful Thanksgiving event and thought it was necessary for the young people to give back to the community.”

Twenty-five families received turkeys and gift boxes full of groceries to provide a Thanksgiving meal. Most of the families were on hand to receive their gifts, but the Department of Human Services hand-delivered groceries to eight families who were unable to attend. Those who attended were assisted by smiling 4-H Ambassadors to load the food into their vehicles.

DeMario Obeious and Joey Swanson were among the 19 4-H Ambassadors helping to distribute Thanksgiving turkeys and groceries at the UVI Great Hall on St. Croix. (Source photo by Linda Morland)

4-H Youth Development Specialist Sarah-Dahl Smith said, “These young people had the opportunity to do community service through this event. Often our community wants to say that our kids are not focused or motivated and rude. Events such as this show that is not true.” During the event, 4-H Ambassadors were seen interacting warmly with families and helping all involved.

Sponsors included Plaza East, Home Depot, The Market, and Reliable Rentals. Special thanks were given to St. Croix Career & Technical Education for providing walk-in freezer and cooler space to store the turkeys.

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