Deion Pruitt Gets a Second Round KO

Deion Pruitt, right, faces off with Patrick Pierre at the Atlanta Slug Fest boxing event. (Photo submitted by Deion Pruitt)

Virgin Islands boxer Deion Pruitt used the Atlanta Slug Fest in Atlanta as the springboard for his fourth consecutive knockout Saturday, bringing his professional record to 4-0.

Going into Saturday’s bout, the 25-year-old Pruitt said his opponent, 38-year-old Patrick Pierre of Louisiana, had an edge that his previous opponents didn’t – experience from a longer professional career.

“He has had over 20 fights,” said Pruitt before the fight. “I think he is going to come prepared and be ready for what I dish out.”

Pruitt fights in the light heavyweight division and won his first two bouts with technical knockouts in the second round. His last fight was won with a knockout against opponent James Horne. That fight came to an end in just over a minute into the first round.

On Saturday Pruitt won with another TKO, this one 1:20 into the second round of a four-round match. He used a right-hand jab, right hook, left hook combination that sent Pierre staggering into the ropes. Pierre poured it on, throwing an array of jabs, uppercuts, and hooks into his opponent.

Pruitt was relentless in dishing out his punches, causing the referee to end the match and declare Pruitt the winner

The fight drops Pierre’s record to 3-19.

Pruitt said it was a matter of keeping his attention in front of him.

“I kept my focus, remembered my trainings, and I was able to have him on the ropes,” Pruitt said.

Pruitt gave credit to Pierre for being a game opponent.

“He was really trying to knock me out. He’s game and can really take a punch. I hit him with some shots and he was taking them with ease. This last fight was more of a challenge. Some of the punches that I threw would have had some of my other opponents backing down a bit, but he was ready,” Pruitt said.

Still, he came out the victor and thanked his support team, coaches, family, friends and well-wishers for backing him. His sponsors were Kobaz Enterprises, Wilson Healthcare Consultants and Southland Gaming.

Pruitt said he knows some fights will be more challenging than others and said he will always give a fight his all.

Pruitt can be followed on Instagram for updates on his boxing career.

Deion Pruitt and his coach Julian Jackson share smiles after Pruitt’s victory. (Photo submitted by Deion Pruitt)
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