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Chess Tables Debut in Cruz Bay Park

Lioness Bruce held court Wednesday as the Chess in the Parks initiative headed by V.I. first lady Cecile deJongh unveiled two chess tables in Cruz Bay Park.

“The concept is to take the other king and put it in checkmate, which means the king has nowhere to go,” explained Bruce, 13, to other Julius E. Sprauve students as well as to the adults gathered for the small ceremony.

Bruce said she likes the challenge that comes with playing chess, a game she learned from her brother, Jah-Haile Bruce. She admitted he was the better player.

While deJongh envisions that both children and adults will enjoy the chess tables being installed in the territory’s parks, she said when it comes to students playing the game, it will improve their thinking skills.

Retired educator Alecia M. Wells, who accompanied the Sprauve students to the park, said they’ll learn hand and eye coordination as well.

For now, players will have to bring their own chess pieces because there is nowhere in the park to safely store them. The tables are bolted down to prevent theft.

The two tables installed on St. John, as well as one each in three parks on St. Thomas and three on St. Croix, were made by participants at My Brother’s Workshop, a St. Thomas-based nonprofit agency.

DeJongh said the tables cost $250 each, about a tenth the cost of importing them from the mainland.

St. John Administrator Leona Smith said she hopes those with chess-playing skills will teach others.

“And I hope everyone enjoys the two chess tables,” she said.

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