Crime Stoppers: Dog Fighting is a Felony

Crime Stoppers recognizes that crime is a problem in the territory and, unless citizens do our part, it may get worse. If you know something, say something. Even the smallest bit of information may be just what law enforcement needs to identify and arrest these criminals.

Dog fighting is cruel, inhumane and a felony offense in the territory. Please help put a stop to this by providing us with the times and locations of the fights and the names of the people involved in this animal cruelty. The minimum reward for an arrest is $357.

St. Thomas: On March 17 at 4:35 a.m., police received a call from a man reporting an attempted robbery in the area of Smith Bay. Upon arrival police found the lifeless body of a black male on the side of the Smith Bay roadway, later identified as 49-year-old Dave James. Two other men who were in a nearby vehicle were treated at the hospital for gunshot related injuries. They said they were shot by several unknown individuals. Tell us what you know about this crime.

Let’s continue to help make the community a safer place to live by submitting information on these or any other crimes at or by calling 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). You may also text “USVI” plus your message to CRIMES (274637).

Your tips are completely anonymous and the stateside operators speak several languages. If your tip leads to an arrest or the recovery of stolen property, illegal drugs or weapons, you will receive a cash reward to be paid according to your instructions.

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