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HomeNewsArchivesWeek-Long Retreat Offered: Living Divine Love Water Island

Week-Long Retreat Offered: Living Divine Love Water Island

Cynthia Zeki, Ph.D., RMT, from Chicago, Illinois, and her colleagues at Spark of the Heart will hold a week-long retreat that will teach participants to live from their hearts.
Each morning of the retreat will begin with a meditation, followed by exploration of heart-based living ideals such as self-love, joy, compassion, and trust led by Dr. Zeki. The afternoons will be for creative expression, with activities such as music circles, spiritual journaling, pendulum making or just relaxing.
For Virgin Islands residents, there is the opportunity for a “day treat.” They can come in the morning, stay for lunch and afternoon activities, and return home in the evening. “Water Island’s tranquility and breathtaking beauty is the perfect place for retreat,” Zeki said, “A week spent here results in unparalleled relaxation, rejuvenation and transformation.”
Zeki is an energy healer and teacher who works in the pure, powerful energy of the heart, using such modalities as akashic record reading, reiki crystal healing and the violet ray. She has taught classes at Unity of Lincoln Park, the Heartland ARE, and at other Chicago locations. Thomas Frierson, RMT, is a gifted sound healer who plays the Himalayan singing bowls. Nicole Fairchild, RMT, is a student of Reki’s and a co-host of their radio show, “Wake Up Sunshine!” on iamhealthyradio.com. Mike Himebaugh is a professional musician who writes the music for the radio program and is also a student of Zeki.
The retreat will be held Saturday, April 2-9, on Water Island. Please RSVP by Friday, March 25 to Cynthia Zeki. To register or for more information, contact her at 773-784-5292 or cynthia@sparkoftheheart.com.
Retreat cost $1850 all-inclusive, including seven nights, six days of activities, meals and accommodations, (double occupancy). Retreat availability is limited to four. The daytreat cost is $500, includes six days of activities, lunch, and an hour healing session with Cynthia, Thomas or Nicole. Daytreat participants are limited to ten.

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