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HomeNewsArchivesRotary Clubs Gear Up to Host Youth Leadership Awards

Rotary Clubs Gear Up to Host Youth Leadership Awards

The Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) program seeks to offer young adults, ages 14-30, with an opportunity to expand their skills and character while exposing them to Rotary’s values of service, high ethical standards and peace.

Twenty-four youth from St. Thomas and St. John will gather at the Virgin Islands Environmental Resource (VIERS) camp grounds on Jan. 28 – 30. Participants come from private and public schools with diverse backgrounds. Youth are nominated by six local Rotary clubs, which cover all expenses for the camp.
This year, they have partnered with the local nonprofit Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence St. Thomas – St. John (COAST) to offset the expenses of the camp. Shelley Williams, Rotary member and executive director of COAST, explains the importance of the partnership between both community service organizations, “We believe in Rotary’s know how to run a successful camp; under the Enforcement of Underage Drinking Laws Grant from Law Enforcement Planning Commission (LEPC), we planned to have a camp activity. By partnering with Rotary, we were able fulfill our commitment under the grant and help cover expenses to organize the camp.”
For these young adults, RYLA offers the opportunity to build self-confidence, gain exposure to a variety of issues and people, meet active community leaders, and learn valuable information and career skills.
Among the activities planned are a nature walk and presentations from LaVelle Campell of “Gangs in Paradise,” Baby Think if Over, COAST and various Rotary members.

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