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HomeNewsArchivesBrief: Police Seeking Identity of Woman Pulled From Harbor

Brief: Police Seeking Identity of Woman Pulled From Harbor

Police on St. Thomas are seeking the community’s assistance in identifying a black woman in her early- to mid-fifties who was retrieved from the Charlotte Amalie Harbor at about 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, according to a V.I. Police Department release.
The unknown woman was taken by Emergency Medical Technicians to Roy Schneider Medical Center, where she is listed in critical condition.
According to the release, police were called to the scene of a possible drowning on the waterfront near the Windward Passage Hotel. They retrieved the woman who was unresponsive from the water with the help of two citizens.
The woman, whose hair is grey and black, and braided in cornrows, was dressed in a dark blue blouse, short turquoise-colored pants and slippers. A green canvas lunch bag with a small black purse inside was recovered nearby, on the waterfront apron.
According to the release, police officials have made preliminary inquiries to determine the identity of the woman. Cruise ships in port have been notified in case a passenger is missing. The department of Tourism has been contacted to assist in circulating the information to hotels and other visitor accommodations.
Anyone in the community who may know the identity of this person is asked to notify the Police Department at 340-715-5522, 340-715-5516, the Chief’s office at 340-715-5548, or 911.

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