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Governor Makes Rounds with White House, Congress and FEMA Officials

DeJongh meets with Rep. Jim Oberstar, chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.In the nation’s capital this week for discussions on issues confronting the territory, Gov. John deJongh Jr. and some of his staff met Monday with White House, Congressional and Federal Emergency Management Agency officials.

The first meeting was with Ed DeSeve, advisor to the president on federal stimulus programs, deJongh said. To date, the Virgin Islands has applied for $96 million in stimulus-package funds, according to Government House.

"We discussed some of the challenges that we have faced in terms of securing and implementing the federal stimulus dollars that we have applied for,” deJongh said Monday in a statement from Government House. “We discussed the implementation of the state stabilization funds, which will involve both the Departments of Education and Interior. There was also talk about the broadband-technology stimulus monies and the timeline for applications to be filed, as well as the implementation of the mapping and deployment components.”

Territorial officials left the meeting with an assurance that the V.I. Office of Economic Opportunity website will be linked to the federal recovery website within the next two days.

“That’s an issue we have been seeking resolution to for a few weeks,” deJongh said.

While at the White House, deJongh also met with Cecilia Munoz, assistant to the president for intergovernmental affairs.

“This was our second meeting since she was named to the post by President Obama," deJongh said. “We discussed our interest in establishing a V.I. Visa Waiver Program and spoke of our ongoing efforts to ensure that the Virgin Islands receives equitable treatment in any health-care reform that is implemented."

Joined by Public Works Commissioner Darryl Smalls and Delegate Donna M. Christensen, deJongh met with Rep. Jim Oberstar, chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, where they continued to press for additional federal funding to help two major road projects: Christiansted Bypass on St. Croix and Veterans Drive on St. Thomas.

DeJongh said Oberstar assured him that once a transportation bill emerges from Congress, it will likely contain funding for these two key roadway projects in the Virgin Islands.

“We also spoke of the need for federal funding for another component of public transportation that we are including as part of our transit model: ferry boats," deJongh said. "The government has just received federal dollars to assist the ferry boat companies who run the St. Thomas-St. John route, and I sought support to have funding extended to the ferry operator between St. Thomas and St. Croix.”

From Capitol Hill, deJongh traveled to FEMA headquarters to meet with Administrator W. Craig Fugate. Joined by V.I. Territorial Emergency Management Agency Director Mark Walters, they discussed reform to the territory’s emergency-management structure and thanked FEMA for its donation of 41 standby power generators, several of which have already been installed at buildings that will serve as emergency shelters should a disaster impact the territory.

“I saw today’s meeting as an opportunity to thank FEMA, but also to introduce myself to the head of FEMA and reassure him of our efforts to solidify our emergency-response capabilities," deJongh said. "The meeting also led to a discussion about our mutual desire to resolve issues surrounding the community-disaster loans that were awarded the territory in the aftermath of various hurricanes dating back to 1989.”

DeJongh also met Monday afternoon with Senator Mark Warner (D-Va.).

“This meeting was really an introduction to the issues that are confronting the Virgin Islands presently,” the governor said. “Sen. Warner and I discussed various issues, including the status of our EDC program, the DIAGEO agreement, federal stimulus monies and health-care reform.”

DeJongh meets with FEMA Administrator W. Craig Fugate. Tuesday’s meetings will include a discussion with Health and Human Services’ Kathleen Sebelius on health-care reform, Medicaid and Medicare. DeJongh will also present the 2009 Alexander Hamilton awards during meetings with House Majority Whip James Clyburn, (D-S.C.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).

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