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HomeNewsArchivesClimate-Change Expert to Speak on Global Warming Dec. 9

Climate-Change Expert to Speak on Global Warming Dec. 9

Nov. 27, 2007 — With global warming a hot topic, the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of St. John has invited Laurie Herrick of The Climate Project to speak at its Dec. 9 service.
The service begins at 9:45 a.m. at the Gifft Hill School's lower school on Gifft Hill Road, and is expected to last one and a half hours. The public is invited to attend.
"We're all concerned about climate change and the environment," said Unitarian program chairwoman Linda Sorensen. Part of the Unitarians' work focuses on helping themselves and others explore issues, she said.
Herrick, who lives in Holyoke, Mass., was trained in January by former Vice President Al Gore to speak on climate change as part of The Climate Project. A graduate of Hartwick College in Oneonta, N.Y., Herrick is one of about 1,000 volunteers similarly trained around the country, along with 400 in Great Britain and Australia.
The presentation will include slides that explain global warming and suggest solutions to the problem.
"There are a lot of images from 'An Inconvenient Truth,'" Herrick said, referring to Gore's Academy Award-winning documentary on global warming.
Herrick got involved in The Climate Project when a friend told her about it, she said.
The organization got its start in 2006 in Nashville as a non-profit organization with the mission of increasing public awareness about the climate crisis at a grassroots level throughout the United States and abroad. Herrick had been involved for years in work on grassroots issues such as hunger and poverty.
Herrick owns Rainmaker Consulting, which provides consulting services to non-profit agencies. She also works as an executive coach. She has served on the boards of Women in Philanthropy, the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee and the National Priorities Project.
Before starting Rainmaker Consulting, Herrick worked as a salesperson and manager of the Christal Corporation, a national manufacturer of beauty products based in Los Angeles. After leaving Christal, she formed Coast to Coast Distributors, a national wholesale beauty-products distributor.
The non-profit arena held more allure, and she took as job as fundraising director and director of development for RESULTS, an international citizen’s organization dedicated to eradicating the worst aspects of poverty. Other jobs in the non-profit field followed.
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