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Deadlines Set for Constitutional Convention

Dec. 1, 2005 – The wheels have been set in motion for delegates to meet next March in the fifth V.I. Constitutional Convention.
The Joint Boards of Elections recently released an official calendar for the constitutional convention special election. Thursday was the first day persons interested in being a delegate could pick up their nomination and petition papers.
In October 2004, Gov. Charles W. Turnbull signed legislation calling for a fifth Constitutional Convention to convene in 2006. The convention would create a document to replace the Revised Organic Act of 1954. (See "Governor Sets Constitutional Convention in Motion "). Other constitutional conventions have occurred in 1965, 1972, 1978 and 1980.
If completed, the constitution would be forwarded for approval to the governor, the president of the United States and Congress; after that, if approved on all levels, it would be put to the voters. Past documents have failed to get the approval of voters (although Congress has acted on a few reforms proposed in the constitution drafts, such as the1965 proposal resulting in an elected governor). For a detailed history of previous conventions, (See "Constitutional Conventions: What's Gone Before").
For more information on the convention visit or call the elections office on your island. The St. Croix office is at 4 Sunny Isle Shopping Center Annex or call 773-1021. On St. Thomas the office is at 22 Crystal Gade, or call 774-3107. On St. John the office is at The Battery or call 776-6535. Office Hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Registration Hours are 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Here is the Special Election Calendar:
Dec. 1
— Forms for filing nomination petitions/papers available at all Election System Offices on St. Thomas, St. John, and St. Croix
Dec. 16
— First day to circulate nomination papers
Jan. 9
— First day to file nomination papers after noon
— Last day on which nomination papers may be filed. Nominations are due by 5 p.m.
Jan. 16
— Last day for registration
Jan. 16
— First day for examination of voting machines and instruction in use of electronic voting machines
Jan. 16
— Last day to investigate all questions relating to registration of electors
Jan. 16
— Last day for changes of enrollment of political party and cancellation of party enrollment
Jan. 16
— Deadline for persons whose application to be registered has been denied to petition the Board of Elections for review of the matter
Jan. 16
— Deadline for qualified electors to petition the Boards of Elections to cancel the registration of any registered elector for cause shown
Jan. 16
— Appointment of election officers
Jan. 16
— Deadline for receipt of removal notices and transfer of registration
Jan. 21
— Deadline for withdrawal of nominated candidates
Jan. 21
— Deadline for candidates for the same office with similar last surnames to request in writing that the occupation or residence be printed opposite his/her name on the ballot.
Jan. 21
— Deadline for receipt in writing by the Supervisor of Elections of their shortened form on which candidates whose name contains more than twenty-two (22) letters should be listed in the ballot.
Jan. 21
— Notice of Primary Election due; Certification of nominees by the Supervisor of Elections
Jan. 21
— Deadline for filing substitute nomination certificates and papers
Jan. 23
— Casting of lots for position of names upon the official special election ballot
Jan. 25
— Last day for examination of voting machines and instruction in use of electronic voting machines
Jan. 25
— Deadline for receipt by the Supervisor of Election of applications for absentee ballots for the special election
Feb. 2
— Deadline for appeals to the District Court by persons whose claim for registration was denied or whose previous registration was canceled and who has exhausted all administrative remedies
Feb. 2
— Testing of electronic voting machines and tabulating equipment, certification by Boards. Open to the general public and the Media
Feb. 14
Special Election Day

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