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Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeNewsArchivesNo Help from Police After Assault

No Help from Police After Assault

Dear Source,
I recently wrote to the Source after I was physically assaulted inside a local supermarket by a woman apparently known to the police department, a horrible incident which was caught on tape by the store's security cameras.
The police for some unknown reason decided not to arrest this woman but I was told that a detective would interview me.
When nothing happened, I 'faxed Commissioner Lewis with the story and asked him why the woman wasn't arrested. There was no response and I 'faxed him again saying how disappointed I was not to have heard anything from him on the subject.
I recently heard from a reliable source that, during a recent meeting of the VIPD and various legal counsel, my case was brought up and discussed at some length and was being "pursued at the highest level" via the Commissioner's office.
To date, nothing at all. The store manager has a file on the assault, including a copy of the assault as caught on the security camera. Nobody has contacted him, nobody has contacted me and nobody has contacted the one employee at the store who saw everything and was the one person willing to give a statement to the police.
What am I to think? At this point I really don't know. All sorts of things run through my head. In my over 20 years living here I've had a gun pointed at my head, I've been right there when a good friend was shot and killed in front of me during an armed robbery, I've gone through all kinds of ups and downs where the "law" is concerned during the third of my life that I've lived here when before that, for two thirds of my life, I never had so much as one minor traffic ticket.
I've tried hard (and think I've been successful in being) a good member of the community. And then I get slam-banged inside a supermarket in the middle of the day and nothing is done about it?
Some feedback (after all, this is an Open Forum!) would surely be appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
Anna Clarke
St. Thomas

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