77.7 F
Charlotte Amalie
Monday, June 17, 2024


Delegate to Congress Donna M. Christian-Christensen attended President Clinton's final State of the Union address before the members of the 106th Congress and the nation on Thursday night in Washington, DC.
The President highlighted his Administration's strong record as well as a
series of new policy proposals aimed at maintaining fiscal responsibility
and investing in the American people. Among the topics discussed were
fiscal measures designed to continue the upward trend of the national
economy, opportunity and responsibility in education, health care measures
such as prescription drug coverage for Medicare recipients, and effective
gun control.
The State of the Union also focused on issues that resonate in the Territory, including funding for school construction and enacting a Patients' Bill of Rights.
"In light of the recent and recurring problems with the school infrastructure in the Territory, I am especially pleased that the President will continue to push for much needed funding to repair the nation's schools, and hope that my colleagues in Congress will bring this issue to the floor for a vote this year," Christensen said.
"While the Patients' Bill of Rights does not directly affect us in the Virgin Islands, it is an important measure which protects the rights of patients to decide on matters in their health care coverage, and one which could have a greater impact on our health care decisions in the future."
"The measures outlined in last night's address will help to push forward a progressive Democratic agenda that is for the American people. President Clinton has already pledged his support for Virgin Islands specific initiatives, which when joined with his overall agenda for this year, should result in positive benefits for us and all of the U.S. Territories,"
Christensen said.

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