84.7 F
Charlotte Amalie
Sunday, June 16, 2024


In keeping with his promise to cut government spending, Gov. Charles W. Turnbull has directed all agencies to reduce unnecessary expenses immediately. The new directive will be strictly enforced, including seizure of government vehicles that are not authorized for use.
The austerity plan calls for the discontinuance of unnecessary travel, curtailment of cell phone use, monitoring of phone bills, and severe reduction in the use of government vehicles after hours.
To emphasize his commitment to cost-cutting, Turnbull directed the V.I. Police Department to "stop and hold" any government vehicle being used without authorization. Authorization for use of vehicles after working hours, for all but department heads and emergency vehicles, can only come from the Governor, according to a release from Government House on Friday.
Turnbull directed that travel between the three islands be discontinued unless it was vital to operations, and then it must be approved by department heads. He encouraged the use of conference calls instead.
Any travel out of the territory can only be approved by the Governor, and must be requested 14 days in advance.
The use of cellular phones will be limited to department and agency heads — anyone else must obtain approval directly from the Governor. And all phone bills are to be reviewed and reduced. Special features such as call waiting are to be eliminated.
Turnbull warned that the chiefs of police will be held responsible for enforcement of unauthorized vehicular use. Anyone found using a vehicle without authorization will face disciplinary action.
The cost-cutting measures will be monitored, the Governor promised, and strictly enforced.

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