85.7 F
Charlotte Amalie
Sunday, June 16, 2024

VIPA Public Meeting on CEKA Parking

3rd floor conference room, VIPA Administrative Building, 8074 Lindbergh Bay St. Croix

The Virgin Islands Port Authority (VIPA) is hosting a public meeting to discuss the partial opening of Cyril E. King Airport’s parking and transportation center.  The meeting will be live-streamed on VIPA’s Facebook page. The public may also register to participate in the meeting via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcvc-2hrjIoE9CeR25d4jIRAhQIR8QptQ_1 Livestream: www.facebook.com/usviports

VIPA Board to Meet

second floor of the Henry E. Rohlsen Airport Terminal St. Croix

The Virgin Islands Port Authority Board of Governors will conduct its regular monthly meeting.  The general session of this meeting will be conducted in person in the VIPA Conference Room. The public is invited to view this meeting via Zoom by registering using the following link: March 20, 2024 Board Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwocuyvqT0jHtTDR7_6C4oRFyYV2bUueSDQ

Labor Delays Start for All Staff Meeting

Commissioner Gary Molloy informs the public that the Virgin Islands Department of Labor (VIDOL) is scheduled to conduct an all-staff meeting on Friday, March 22. It will commence at 8:15 a.m., and normal Friday operations will resume at 10 a.m.

VIPA Special Meeting Called

conference room on the third floor of the VIPA Administrative Building at 8074 Lindbergh Bay St, Thomas

The Virgin Islands Port Authority Board of Governors conducts a special meeting.  This meeting will be held on St. Thomas. To purchase a meeting agenda booklet with supporting documentation for each agenda item, contact Julice Holder at 774-1629 or jholder@viport.com.  The cost of an agenda booklet is $15.  The public is invited to view both […]

Matching Fund Special Purpose Securitization Corp. to Meet

Gov. Albert Bryan Jr., chairman of the Matching Fund Special Purpose Securitization Corporation has scheduled a regular meeting of the Board of Directors for 10 a.m., Wednesday, March 27. The board invites the public and the media to attend via Zoom, a software-based video and audio communications platform. The agenda for the board’s meeting is […]

Territorial Hospital Board Meeting Canceled

Board Office, at the Governor Juan F. Luis Hospital St. Croix

  THIS MEETING HAS BEEN CANCELED. IT WILL BE RESCHEULED SOON. The V.I. Government Hospital and Health Facilities Corporation, Territorial Board, will hold its monthly board meeting via TEAMS from the Board Office. If there are any questions or concerns, call Helen Danielson. V.I. Government Hospital and Health Facilities Corporation Governing Board office.

Board of Elections to Meet

Chairwoman Alecia M. Wells announces that the Board of Elections is holding a regular meeting via MS TEAMS. The single item on the agenda will be “Consideration of the Proposed Board of Elections Budget for FY2025.”

Public Services Commission to Convene

The Virgin Islands Public Services Commission meeting  (originally scheduled for Tuesday, Aprll 9) will be held today. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84012182772?pwd=U09oMFk1aXJsb1hSeDF6UkpHNmtxUT09 Meeting ID: 840 1218 2772 Passcode: 532089 (www.psc.vi.gov)

V.I. Board of Chiropractic Examiners Quarterly Meeting

The V.I. Board of Chiropractic Examiners will hold its quarterly board meeting via Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams Need help? Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 282 864 718 545 Passcode: LbWx6i Dial-in by phone +1 939-236-6758,,779378522# Puerto Rico, San Juan Find a local number Phone conference ID: 779 378 522# Join on a video conferencing […]

VIHA Board Reschedules Meeting

VIHA’s Central Office, Executive Conference Room St. Thomas

The Virgin Islands Housing Authority’s (VIHA) Board of Commissioners has rescheduled its regular board meeting. For meeting access and call-in information, contact the VIHA office.