81.7 F
Charlotte Amalie
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

VIBE to Hold Special Board Meeting

The Virgin Islands Board of Education (VIBE) will conduct a special board meeting to review and approve professional certification candidate lists for the St. Croix and St. Thomas/St. John districts. VIBE will go into executive session during the meeting to discuss certain matters as permitted or required by Virgin Islands law. Due to COVID-19, public […]

Career & Technical Education Board to Meet

The Virgin Islands Board of Career & Technical Education is holding a regular board meeting via Zoom Videoconference: https://zoom.us/j/97425181124 Meeting ID: 974 2518 1124 Audio only: 1 (929) 205 6099 Meeting ID: 974 2518 1124 #

CGL Presentation on Printing Press, Memory

The Caribbean Genealogy Library will host Part II of “The Printing Press and Community Memory: Virgin Islands History, Culture, Socioeconomics and Politics Archived in the St. Thomas Graphics Collection.” Those who missed Part I of Ruby Simmonds Esannason, Ph.D. and Sen. Myron Jackson's two-part presentation on the printing press and community memory, can find it […]

Board of Education to Meet

The Virgin Islands Board of Education (VIBE) will conduct its regularly scheduled board meeting via Microsoft Teams to discuss business matters The board may go into executive session during the meeting to discuss certain matters as permitted or required by Virgin Islands law. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, public assembly has been restricted; therefore, only […]

Ground Breaking at Vincent Mason Pool

Vincent Mason Pool in Frederiksted St. Croix

Gov. Albert Bryan Jr. and Office of Disaster Recovery Director Adrienne Williams-Octalien will attend a ground breaking ceremony hosted by Sports, Parks and Recreation Commissioner Calvert White at the Vincent Mason Pool in Frederiksted.

WCSC Virtual Conversation on Domestic Violence

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The Women’s Coalition of St. Croix invites the public to join an important community conversation about domestic violence and how it affects people in groups that have been marginalized historically, including the elderly, people with disabilities, people with behavioral health challenges, LGBTQIA+ people, immigrants and people who do not […]

Santa’s Workshop Event at UVI

UVI cafeteria on the Albert A. Sheen Campus St. Croix

“It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.” The Dean of Students Office and Student Life Office welcome everyone to Santa’s Workshop. Come on out to celebrate 25 days of Christmas in one day at the first Santa's Workshop. Staff, students and faculty will be given the opportunity to create their own ugly Christmas sweater and […]

Holiday Season Tree Giveaway

Farmer’s Market No. 1 Estate Lower Love, St. Croix

The Virgin Islands Department of Agriculture’s (VIDA) Forestry Division, in collaboration with the St. George Village Botanical Garden, the University of the Virgin Islands’ School of Agriculture, the Agricultural Experiment Station and the local farming community have announced the ‘Holiday Season Tree Giveaway.’ Community members are eligible to receive one tree of their choice per person […]

Christmas Mobile Lantern Motorcade

From The Chicken Shack to Canegata Ball Park Christiansted

The Christiansted Community Alliance -- Crucian Cultural Group has been lighting up Limpricht Park for over three years, and as part of the group's Christmas events, a night lantern parade has been included in the schedule. Stanley and the Ten Sleepless Knights will provide music while the band is on the move, and the vehicles […]

Holiday Lighting at Buddhoe Park Set

Buddhoe Park Frederiksted, St. Croix

History, Culture and Tradition Foundation Inc. will hold its annual holiday lighting event for Buddhoe Park. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this occasion will be a drive-thru event. Patrons are asked to remain in their vehicles to receive their treats while enjoying the beautiful light display. The event will begin with Santa Claus driving through the […]