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HomeNewsLocal newsMembers of the American Legion Celebrate Flag Day 2024 

Members of the American Legion Celebrate Flag Day 2024 

Members of the American Legion on St. Croix honored Flag Day 2024 on Friday evening at their headquarters located at Peter’s Rest.

After honoring the flag, a special ceremony was conducted to retire all worn and damaged flags.  Members of all St. Croix posts (Post 85, Post 102, and Post 133) were represented at the Flag Day ceremony. Also present were members for the Auxiliary Unit 102.

Members of all St. Croix posts were represented at the Flag Day ceremony: Post 85, Post 102, and Post 133. Also present were members of the Auxiliary Unit 102. (Photo courtesy Post 102 Vice Commander Annie Day Henry)

Flag Day, which is a United States holiday that honors the national flag is observed on June 14 of every year. The holiday started in 1777 when the United States approved of the design for the national flag by resolution of the Second Continental Congress.

Flag Day celebrations across the country often include ceremonies, parades, and other patriotic events. For members of the American Legion here, it is a time to honor the American Flag and retire damaged flags in a special burning ceremony.

During the Flag Day ceremony Friday, a special retirement of the flags occurred for damaged, faded and destroyed flags at the American Legion Post 102 in Peter’s Rest. (Source photo by Diana Dias)

“Usually when the flags are torn and faded it’s the responsibility of a post or any business owner to retire their flag. If a veteran passes by, they can request for the flag to be taken down because it’s not worth flying,” said Commander Secundino Roman-Cruz of Legion Post 102.

Commander Secundino Roman-Cruz of Legion Post 102. (Source photo by Diana Dias)

Cruz said if someone wanted to turn in a flag all posts accept damaged flags for proper retirement.  “You can leave them at the door, and we will make sure we secure them and burn them during the ceremony,” he said.

“It is a sentimental ceremony for veterans because we fight, we bleed for that flag. Whenever we see a flag being tampered with it is us being tampered with,” said Cruz.

As military members lit a fire, a prayer was delivered, and a special description of the ceremony was read by Vice-Commander Annie Day Henry and other members of the American Legion.

According to the United States Flag Code, when a flag is no longer fit for display, it should be destroyed in a dignified manner, preferably by burning. The American Legion, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and other civic organizations often conduct flag retirement ceremonies where flags are respectfully burned in a solemn and respectful manner. These ceremonies are designed to honor the flag and the values it represents.

To close out the ceremony the post members sang “America the Beautiful” and ended the ceremony with refreshments.

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