St. Croix Montessori Gears Up for Campus Expansion

St. Croix Montessori students will soon have the option to advance to the International Baccalaureate program beginning in sixth grade. (Photo courtesy of St. Croix Montessori)

St. Croix Montessori announced Tuesday that the school will continue expanding and growing for the 2024-25 school year and beyond with the addition of an International Baccalaureate program and renovations to allow for more extra-curricular activities.

St. Croix Montessori was founded in 2006 by a group of parents and teachers who wanted a Montessori education for their children beyond age six. After 17 years in the same two-room building, the school made the move to a much larger space with room to grow – the old St. Dunstan’s School campus. In its first year at the new location, the school has already doubled in size and has started offering the island’s first International Baccalaureate program. STXM became an International Baccalaureate candidate school in March 2023, according to the press release.

St. Croix Montessori currently has a Primary room for students ages 3 – 6, which is full, but accepting names for their waiting list. They have two elementary Montessori classrooms for students ages 6 – 11, for which there are still spaces available. And they have a grade 6 IB candidate class which has very limited spots open, the press release stated.

St. Croix Montessori has ambitious plans for growth moving forward as well, it said.

“We understand the importance of the early years in human development. We are exploring the possibility of adding a Montessori infant classroom for children ages 12 months to 3 years, as well as another primary classroom for children ages 3 to 6,” explains Head of School Tracy Cook.

The International Baccalaureate (IB) program will be expanded to the seventh grade in 2024 as the school grows with its first group of IB students. In 2025, eighth and ninth grades will be added. The school will continue adding grades through grade 12, the release stated.

St. Croix Montessori has also started clearing a space for its athletic field to provide for an array of sports from soccer, flag football, volleyball, and other activities, according to the release.

Space is being cleared for a new athletic field. (Photo courtesy of St. Croix Montessori)

Work to refurbish the outdoor basketball court where Tim Duncan played will commence shortly, it stated.

In addition, a new agricultural shade house is being built to expose students to the joy and rewards of farming and to provide learning opportunities in science and microeconomy by marketing and selling the produce they grow, the release stated.

St. Croix Montessori’s mission is to guide children to be self-disciplined, independent learners, critical thinkers, and engaged citizens, it said.

“St. Croix families deserve an opportunity for a truly world-class education. Our board is committed to making that happen and welcomes the support of like-minded individuals, foundations and community partners to join us in raising the bar for education on St. Croix,” said Wayne Huddleston, chair of the Board of Trustees



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