The Women’s Coalition of St. Croix Leans Forward for the Future

View from the balcony of the new “Women’s Coalition Campus. (Source photo by Diana Dias)

The Women’s Coalition of St. Croix held its annual meeting in their new community and conference center which is now named “The Women’s Coalition Campus.” The meeting allowed guests to meet staff, volunteers, and the board of directors and also allowed them to view the new building.

Executive Director Clema Lewis said, “We’ve been doing this for 41 years and it has been a long 40 years, but we have made a lot of growth from a little old table back in 1981 until we own four buildings now.”

She continued, “We now have the crisis center, the new community center, the children’s center which used to be an educational program and are now turning into a women’s business center, a shelter in Frederiksted, the thrift store and transitional housing.”

Guest Speaker Geraldine Pitt, the CEO of Viya giving a presentation. (Source photo by Diana Dias)

The Women’s Coalition Campus final phase was completed, and a new grant has officially been received for fencing, light and cameras. Part two of the community center project will be for offices and an outdoor kitchen.

Just this year the Women’s Coalition of St. Croix provided services to 2,812 people and follow-up victims of crime.

Guest speaker Viya CEO Geraldine Pitt shared an inspiring story of survival as an abuse victim and said, “The extent of your abuse is not the extent of who you are. You are not defined by it, and I think that’s where the support system, breaking the silence and having the conversations helps to give people the bravery.”

Some of the events the Women’s Coalition of St. Croix held were Stalking Awareness, and Human Trafficking Month, Teen Dating Violence Month, Sexual Assault Awareness Month/Child Abuse Prevention Month and Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

The Women’s Coalition is seeking volunteers for their holiday mailing list on Dec. 14–15. Interested participants can contact the Women’s Coalition of St. Croix at 340-773-9272. The coalition is also looking for a new location for their now Closet-to-Closet location currently in Peter’s Rest.

The Women’s Coalition’s mission is to support and empower people impacted by violence no matter their age or sex. You can visit their website at

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