Addelita Cancryn Intermediate and Junior High School Faculty and Students Celebrates National Movement Month

The Addelita Cancryn Intermediate and Junior High School faculty, staff, and students laced up their sneakers and enjoyed a jog, stroll and walk down the waterfront apron on Thursday in recognition of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month.

A group of teachers and students from Addelita Cancryn Intermediate and Junior High School walked the newly completed waterfront apron in recognition of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. (Photo by Therese Hodge)

The group made signs and displayed them as they demonstrated the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle. The President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition designated the month of May National Physical Fitness and Sports Month in 1983. ‘Move more and sit less, #MoveinMay’ is the theme of this event.

Therese Hodge, Chairperson of the Physical Education Department at Addelita Cancryn Intermediate and Junior High School, started to have activities at her school in honor of Physical Fitness and Sports Month. “We’ve been doing it since 2015. We used to do an afternoon of old-time fun right there on our old campus,” said Ms. Hodge in a phone interview. “In 2016, we decided to do a fitness walk. We started at the old Cancryn and headed east to the Legislature and back. We carry our signs because, at Cancryn, fitness is the foundation of our program.”

The Physical Education Department at Cancryn has faithfully continued this tradition every year. During the pandemic, they hosted virtual events for two years. The 2022 edition saw 35 participants walking from their new campus to the Legislature and back. Hodge and her colleagues at Addelita Cancryn hope these types of activities build good long-lasting habits. “We focus on fitness and use the sports that we teach as a means to an end to help the children understand that they need to establish a lifestyle of fitness at a young age,” Hodge concluded.

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