The Irony of Our Day — An Emancipation Message

Agriculture Commissioner Positive T.A. Nelson criticized abusive farming practices during Tuesday’s Finance Committee hearing. (V.I. Legislature Photo)
Agriculture Commissioner Positive T.A. Nelson.(File photo: V.I. Legislature)

The Irony of Our Day

An Emancipation Message


The irony of our days, in many which ways,

we live a life full of struggle and strife.


A deceived people, losing our land.

Designed to capture, irresistible to withstand.

Ignoring realization of Slave masters’ evil plan.


When we happen to see, how could it be?

Heads turn, mouths run, all just for money.

Good leaders try, some even die,

A sacrifice made, to open an eye.


The plan was systemic, when will it end?

When perpetrators are not always a stranger,

Sometimes it’s family… or even a friend.


Work leaders allowing oppression

and uncompensated tasks:

the unfavorable requests, our taskmasters ask.

Protective laws, more civil times, less intimidation

Yet, workers still fear progressive action.


We carry out “massa’s” evil wishes,

burning bridges, erecting blockades, and digging ditches.

To slow, stop, or kill an emancipation movement,

lest they see us win… for their own amusement.


The irony of our days, in which many ways,

the plantations have changed, but look! Modern Day Slaves!


…yet we speak of Emancipation!


By Positive T.A. Nelson

Originally written in 2001

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