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Friday, June 14, 2024
HomeNewsArchivesChurch of Christ Offers Series of Visualized Bible Studies

Church of Christ Offers Series of Visualized Bible Studies

The St. Thomas Church of Christ, meeting at 7C Hoffman Estate across from Home Depot, is offering to the public a free Visualized Bible Study Series. Through a fully illustrated overview of the Old and New Testaments, and a brief survey of church history, the greatest book of the ages, the Holy Bible, will spring to life before your eyes.
Beginning on Thursday, July 21, this five lesson series will be shown (one lesson each night) every Thursday evening from 7-9 p.m. in the church’s large comfortable air-conditioned auditorium. This free public service is meant to satisfy your natural yearning to know God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit better by increasing your understanding of the teachings in God’s Book, the Holy Bible. No offerings or request for donations will be solicited. Nutritious finger food snacks will be served following each session.
Registration is free at the door or in advance by calling 514-4306. Children and teens that are able to sit quietly are welcome. People can go to the Web site at www.sttchurchofchrist.org – to view a summary of the entire series and to get directions to the church building. Also, go
to www.TrustInGodAmerica.com for additional Bible study ideas.

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