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HomeNewsArchivesWater-Service Interruption Planned

Water-Service Interruption Planned

The V.I. Water and Power Authority plans to interrupt water service Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.in Manning’s Bay and Negro Bay near the Henry E. Rohlsen Airport on St. Croix.
GEC, LLC, a WAPA contractor, will install a pressure-reducing valve and meter on the existing 10-inch ductile iron water line in Estate Profit, according to a statement from WAPA. Various pressure-reducing valve stations will be installed throughout the water distribution system as part of the first phase of a pressure management project.

Funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act federal stimulus package at a cost of $852,000, the work is part of WAPA’s water-loss prevention program.

For the sake of safety, WAPA asks drivers to obey traffic directions while approaching the project site in Estate Profit. Questions and concerns can be directed to the Water division at 773-7795 and 773-3775.

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