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HomeNewsArchivesAdventist Church Council Donates Over $50,000 to Haiti Relief

Adventist Church Council Donates Over $50,000 to Haiti Relief

The St. Thomas-St. John Seventh-day Adventist Ministerial Council has forwarded a contribution of over $53,000 to the North Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists on St. Croix. The monies will be sent to the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) to help the Haitian community. ADRA has been on the grounds providing relief and care to the people of Haiti before and more so since the disastrous earthquake.
This recent contribution represents the donations of the St. Thomas-St. John
Adventist church membership and will be added to the over $63,000 donated earlier this month by the Adventist churches on St. Croix.
In other relief efforts, the council continues to operate three Call Crisis Intervention Care Centers at the City Seventh-day Adventist Church on ‘Seventh-day Street,’ at the Shiloh SDA Church in Tutu, and at the Cruz Bay SDA Church on St. John, where individuals can receive encouragement through counseling and prayer. They may also call, and where possible, talk with family and friends in Haiti. To date, the centers have served approximately 175 persons.
During their next level of service, the council, in collaboration with ADRA and the North Caribbean Conference, will be coordinating a food and clothing drive as well as soliciting volunteers to assist in the rebuilding of Haiti.
For further information on the relief efforts or to become a part of them, please contact Dr. Vincent A. David at 776-8822/775-1507 or Pastor Ammaran F. Williams at 775-1059/775-1388.
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