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HomeNewsArchivesGood Grief! What Were They Thinking?

Good Grief! What Were They Thinking?

Dear Source:

I find it ludicrous that our senators would pass a bill authorizing the PFA to issue an up to $50 million loan guarantee for a major St. Thomas development just because it is owned by a prominent St. Thomas family, especially when advised by the PFA director, Mr. Julito Francis, that funds are unavailable. While I applaud the Elskoe family for their "green concept" for the project I do not feel that in our cash strapped economy it is the duty of our senators to pass a bill, no less, to allow this project to be guaranteed to be funded by our tax dollars and our severely cash strapped government. Good Grief! What were they thinking?
The developers need to go to another source for their funding, a private one, just as everyone else does. I am sure there are many other avenues and options for privately funding this project should they wish to proceed. There are so many timeshares and condos, (of which there 223 according to STT MLS) sitting unsold, at present. The need for another such complex to include a boutique hotel project in this economy, while present hotel rooms, short term vacation rental villas, private homes and apts. go unoccupied, totally escapes me. What kind of favoritism is this? I can only hope that Gov. De Jongh will veto inappropriate this bill.
Shame on Senator Malloy for sponsoring this bill and shame on all the other senators who voted for this absurd bill!
They should be considering the revocation of Act 6905 instead of, once again, wasting more taxpayer time and funds on unwarranted private and personal endeavors.

Alana Mawson
St. Thomas

Editor's note: We welcome and encourage readers to keep the dialogue going by responding to Source commentary. Letters should be e-mailed with name and place of residence to visource@gmail.com.

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