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Body Found Near Point Pleasant Yet to be Identified

July 3, 2006 – A report made about a body found on the beach below Point Pleasant Resort on St. Thomas has been classified as a possible homicide, according to Police spokeswoman Shawna Richards.
Richards said Monday that the victim, who has not yet been identified, had a "dark complexion" and long dreadlocks. He was found partially clothed near the rocks of the beach in Estate Smith Bay with both hands and feet bound.
"The St. Thomas Rescue team helped to retrieve the body from the water," Richards said, adding that the incident was reported on Saturday around 1:05 p.m.
Richards did not have any information about who found the body.
According to a press release sent Monday, an autopsy will be conducted to determine the cause of death.
"The Major Crimes Unit is conducting an investigation into the matter," Richards said, urging anyone with information to call in to the Major Crime Unit on St. Thomas at 715-5534, 715-5546, or the hotline at 715-5544. On St. Croix, call the Criminal Investigations Bureau at 778-2211 ext. 6031, 6033, 6037 or 6082; or the hotline at 778-4950; or 911.

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