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Ask Coach Paradise: Coaching or Financial Planning

Coach Paradise is here to help people make the kind of changes that will allow them to live the lives they only dream of. Recently returned to her own tropical home, she is offering her services so that others can create paradise in their lives wherever they are. No concern is too big or small for her unique coaching approach which comes with compassion, creativity and a heartfelt desire to help others produce extraordinary results. If you have a question for Coach Paradise, please send it confidentially to her at anne@coachparadise.com.
Dear Coach Paradise –
I work hard and I earn good money. I just never seem to have any in my pocket. I often find myself saying money slips through my fingers. I seem to spend it as fast as I make it. I joke with my friends about retail therapy, have lots of unworn outfits in my closet and laugh about it – but I don't think it so funny any more.
I never seem to get ahead, and the more I work the less I have to show for it. I am a single woman, a business owner, and approaching 50. I have never thought too much about saving and have only recently started an IRA. I would like to feel more secure about the future and not worry so much about money all the time.
Is coaching something that could help me get my financial act together or should I go to see a financial planner?
Broke in Paradise
Dear Broke in Paradise –
You are not alone in being broke, but more courageous than many in even bringing up this sensitive issue. You sound ready to "look, see and tell the truth," which tells me that you are up to something really big. Good question about coach or financial planner. The answer is both.
Seeing a financial planner would be on a list of "authentic actions" (actions that are true to who you are and take you toward your goal(s)) that would arise out of working with a coach.
As a coach I would suggest that you become conscious about the history of your relationship with money (from as early as you can remember), see where you are leaking money and where old business and "sludge" prevent you from directing money toward that juicy goal so dear to your heart.
A coach will help you to identify the "conclusions" you are not even aware that you start with, and help you to come up with new, more interesting, more abundant conclusions so that you can go around gathering evidence that will support the way you would like to be: someone who is financially secure, successful and able to generate, hold on to and tap into the energy of money.
I would recommend the book "The Energy of Money" by Maria Nemeth and suggest that you give me a call and join my "Girl, Get Your Money Straight in 2006" group. A consultation with a financial planner would always be a good idea. It is a step toward becoming conscious. This may seem like an odd thought to leave you with but "it's not really about the money."
To your good fortune,
Coach Paradise

Editor's note: Coach Paradise (aka Anne Nayer), Professional Life Coach, is a member of the International Coaching Federation, an MSW clinical social worker/psychotherapist, and a medical case manager with 30 years experience working with people of all shapes, sizes and challenges.
For further information about her services, call 774-4355.

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