Governor Is Not at Fault But Is Responsible

Dear Source:
I agree with Darrell Overton's standpoint that it is Governor deJongh's responsibility to clean up the mess he inherited from previous administrations. That was candidate deJongh's primary reason for running for the office of governor. He acknowledged there was a big mess and he believed he could put together the best team possible to clean it up. He accepted that responsibility when he decided to run for office four years ago and formally accepted it when he finally took his inaugural oath more than four years later. With the added four extra years we the voters decided to give him of inherited and unnecessary tribulation. I feel he will succeed and that's what his supporters are counting on. It is what he promised to do and he is a man of his word. This mess was created over a period of years and previous administrations. It cannot be corrected in two months!
On the other hand, I cannot agree, in any way, shape or form, that our new governor can be held complicit, by any measure, for this latest fiasco; Act 6905. If there is any one single entity or group responsible, it is us, the voters of this territory. We should hold ourselves answerable for this untenable situation.
Subsequently, much to our credit, the St. Croix electorate have mobilized, in an unprecedented effort, to assert their rights under the umbrella of democracy and recall those representatives they feel have either ignored or been so out of touch as to not realize or recognize the wishes of their constituency. Paul Devine has a great and insightful article, in the Source, detailing the demographics behind this groundbreaking movement.
I have read the editorials of Steffen Larsen. He and his posse have, "Seen enough evidence to convince us", that John deJongh, while Governor-elect, managed to approve Act 6905, "Before he became governor." Quite a feat! Meanwhile the governor's motivation for this remains, for Steffen and his crew, "somewhat murky."
Steffen, share the "Evidence," reveal the source or substantiate in some manner other than innuendo the corroboration behind your conclusions.
I voted for this governor based upon his past experience. A past that conclusively showed he has, time and time again, demonstrated the ability to examine the facts and arrive at the best possible course of action. One of those phrases or homilies that has impacted my life has been, always in retrospect and generally when the landing has been unsatisfactory: "Look before you leap."
There are shrill voices screaming for the "Feds" or the governor to intervene in these latest matters. I would caution those who wish federal intervention, "Beware of what you wish for, because you may have your wish granted." To the governor I ask, "Look before you leap."
Ken Floyd
St. Croix

Editor's note: We welcome and encourage readers to keep the dialogue going by responding to Source commentary. Letters should be e-mailed with name and place of residence to

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