To the Editor
Six years ago the then-director of the Water and Power Authority tried valiantly to warn St. Thomas that about this time there would be power failures and rotating outages. I heard him speak at several Rotary clubs.
Simply put, he said the island could not supply the needed power if Main Street shops did not close their doors. The power expenditure of air-conditioning with open doors would inevitably cause the situation we are in.
The shops would reduce overhead costs immensely but fear the competitive loss of business if every shop does not conform.
Once again the legislature and past administrations ignored the important as they fumbled with the urgent. Air-Conditioning in public places must be banned unless closed doors are installed.
We again, well-warned, have waited until a matter is urgent. A law requiring all air-conditioned establishments to install and to keep their doors shut would ease dramatically the demand on power. This time Main Street merchants are shown to be as immune to good sense and foresight as
our administrations and our Legislature.
It is important that business, which is wasting power in this manner, comprehend the burden they place on everyone living on the island. A community is not the one-way street so many merchants seem to think.
Michael Paiewonsky
St. Thomas

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