Sept. 12, 2001 – Following are excerpts from statements issued Wednesday by V.I. public officials in response to the terrorist attacks on the U.S. mainland Tuesday.
Sen. Lorraine Berry:
An act of war has been perpetrated against our country and every one of us should be concerned where this unprecedented aggression will lead our nation.
This is one of the saddest days in our history. Our hearts, our minds should be occupied with a special prayer that our leaders be endowed with divine wisdom as they determine how best to respond to this act of war.
This is the first time [in the history of] the United States — outside of the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 — that an allegedly foreign nation has visited this type of aggression upon our soil.
We see how small this world is, making us really our brothers' keepers … This initial attack may be followed by many more. Whether we flood our churches or remain at home or at our workplace, these are times for prayer and for divine guidance.
Frank Savage, British Virgin Islands governor:
As neighbors with close family ties and kinship with the United States Virgin Islands, your grief is our grief and your sorrow is our sorrow. In the difficult days and weeks ahead, you can be assured of our prayers and support.
LaVerne E. Ragster, UVI senior vice president and provost, on behalf of UVI President Orville Kean:
The University of the Virgin Islands joins the nation and the world in mourning the many people who lost their lives or were injured in Tuesday's horrendous attacks. We extend our sympathy and our compassion to those who have lost friends and family members and to those who may not yet know the fate of their loved ones.
We as an institution are in agreement with President George W. Bush that the way to lessen the impact of such senseless violence is for us to continue with our normal activities. Toward that end, all classes on both campuses will continue as usual.
On the St. Thomas campus, we are asking that faculty, staff and students adhere to all parking restrictions imposed as a result of heightened security near the Cyril E. King Airport control tower.
In order to allow for an exchange of factual information and to promote the healing process that is necessary, assemblies will be held Thursday on both campuses. The St. Croix assembly will take place at noon in the cafetorium. The St. Thomas assembly will be at 1 p.m. in room B110 of the Business Administration Building.
Faculty members are asked to encourage students to attend the meetings and to invite them to take advantage of counseling services provided on both campuses. The university encourages its students, faculty and staff to view Tuesday's events with the level of seriousness and tolerance appropriate for a civilized society as we learn more in the days to come.

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