85.7 F
Charlotte Amalie
Sunday, June 16, 2024


Oct. 21, 2001 – The Diocese of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands invites former students, teachers, administrators, family and friends of Sts. Peter and Paul School to a Mass of Remembrance Sunday, Nov. 4, at 10:30 a.m. at the Cathedral.
The Mass will celebrate alumni of the school and their contributions to the community.
Bishop George Murray SJ will be the celebrant. Following the Mass, a reception in the courtyard adjacent to the Cathedral will be held for attendees to renew friendships past and present.
The Mass of Remembrance is a local initiative. School board member Carol Jackson, Class of '75, and the Bishop's Development Office came up with the idea as a way of showing goodwill and appreciation for the positive community contributions the school and its teachers, administration and alumni have made over the years.
It is planned as the first of an annual event.
Close in time to All Saints Day (Nov. 2), which is a day to remember the deceased, the Alumni Mass of Remembrance will honor those both living and deceased.

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