UVI to Observe Liberty Day
UVI will be closed Friday, Nov. 1, in observance of Liberty Day.
'Crisis In Paradise' Forum to Highlight Red Ribbon Week Activities
A public forum titled "Crisis In Paradise: Drugs, Crime and V.I. Youth" is scheduled for 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. Thursday as a major part of the UVI observance of National Red Ribbon Week. The forum will be presented as a video-conferenced event between the St. Thomas and St. Croix campuses.
Forum panelists include Dr. Olaf Hendricks, a psychiatrist; Sgt. Elvin Fahie of the V.I. Police Department's Internal Affairs Bureau; and parent Patricia Lewis. Miss UVI Nyasha Mutunhu will serve as moderator.
The forum can be attended in Chase Auditorium (Business Education – Room 110) on the St. Thomas campus and in the Theatre (Evans Center room 401) on the St. Croix campus.
For more information, contact the Associate Chancellor's Office on St. Thomas at 693-1120 or the Health Center Services Office on St. Croix at 692-4214.

SGA to Host Gubernatorial Forum on St. Thomas Campus
Seven of the eight candidates running for governor in the V.I. general election have confirmed they will participate in a forum on UVI's St. Thomas campus from noon to 2 p.m. Tuesday. The forum, which is free and open to the public, will be held at the cafeteria. The forum is sponsored by the Student Government Association. The only candidate not participating will be Gov. Charles W. Turnbull.
For more information, call 693-1111.
Golden Key, SGA Gubernatorial Forum on St. Croix Cancelled
The St. Croix Chapter of the Golden Key International Honor Society and the Student Government Association have announced the cancellation of a gubernatorial forum originally scheduled for Wednesday. The cancellation was due to a conflict with other election campaign activities. The groups jointly sponsored a forum for senatorial candidates last week.
Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra to Perform Saturday
The Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra returns to St. Thomas for a record fourth visit with an 8 p.m. performance Saturday at UVI's Reichhold Center for the Arts. Tickets are $65, $30 and $5. To place orders, call 693-1559. The performance is a co-production of the Reichhold Center and the Birch Forum. For more information go to "http:// www.reichholdcenter.com".

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