83.9 F
Charlotte Amalie
Saturday, June 15, 2024


Dear Source,
We were married on St. Thomas eight years ago and we fell in love with it, from the locals to the beauty and enchantment of the island; it has become a focal point of our lives when we are not there. We can't wait to return each year. So we are constantly keeping in touch with all of the news of the island from newspapers to telephoning our taxi driver friends.
But each and every time we read the paper or have a conversation with someone, we find continuing political financial discrepancies with the administration of your islands. And as a result, the United States hands over money to your local government; however, the money never finds its way to where it was originally intended. This happens over and over.
As local constituents, do you not care? This is money that is supposed to be for the good of the common people. Yet, somehow, it gets lost. As a newspaper, you should be reporting this to the public in a more insistent manner.
Is St. Thomas really Third World, where dictators decide who receives benefits that were intended for the public but are absconded with by the hierarchy in power? Or are you actually a part of the United States with a government that is held responsible, like ordinary people, for monies and services that are provided for all, not a choice few?
The people on the mainland are simply bewildered at the way you run your government. Anyone else would be held accountable and, more than once, the good Governor Turnbull and his staff would be spending time in an institution.
Could you please enlighten us in your upcoming articles as to how all this comes about with no recourse? We look forward to your response.
Deb and Craig DiCola
Olean, N.Y.

Editor's note: We welcome and encourage readers to keep the dialogue going by responding to Source commentary. Letters should be e-mailed with name and place of residence to source@viaccess.net.

Publisher's note : Like the St. Thomas Source now? Find out how you can love us twice as much — and show your support for the islands' free and independent news voice … click here.

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