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HomeNewsArchivesProtestors Decry Moorehead Transfer

Protestors Decry Moorehead Transfer

June 20, 2005- Protestors of the Education Department's transfer of Kent Moorehead from principal of Central High School to an elementary school took their message to the street Monday.
People out for lunch in downtown Christiansted heard more car horns than usual as Moorehead supporters held up signs across King Street from the Government House saying "Honk For Support."
A dozen or so agitators were gathered on King Street with a message for the governor – Reverse This Decision – before they began a march to the Education Department office in Gallows Bay.
Most of Moorehead's supporters echoed a consistent theme. They did not like seeing Moorehead transferred while Central High is still in the midst of its reaccreditation process.
Allen Woods, a teacher at the school for 33 years, said, "Reaccreditation is our No. 1 priority. You don't change leaders half way."
Rosaleen Melone said, "No one knows the reaccreditation process better than Kent Moorehead. He is the man for the job."
She added, even after the reaccreditation process, she would like to see Moorehead remain at the school. She said, "He is a real leader."
The protestors did not have good words for the leadership at Education. One woman, who asked not to be identified, said the decision to transfer Moorehead appeared "arbitrary" and "dictatorial." She said, "We have never been told a good reason why this has happened. No one has been told."
Gayle Washburn said, "This is a way to publicize our displeasure and to draw attention to the bad decisions being made at high levels in the Department of Education."
She said she and others have been gathering signatures on petitions to keep Moorehead at Central High. She said they already have over 600 signatures.
Moorehead, who has been principal at Central for 12 years, learned at the end of the school year that he would be transferred to the Claude O. Markoe Elementary School this fall.
There has been speculation that the transfer of Moorehead will be followed by other administrative changes at the school.
In May, officials at the school reported a favorable review by the Middle States Association of Colleges.
However, Daryl Richards, assistant principal, said that much work still needs to be done for reaccreditation.
(See "Central High Upbeat About Accreditation").
Middle States is expected to return for another on-site tour this fall.

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