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Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeNewsLocal governmentVIDOE Reflects of Memorial Day

VIDOE Reflects of Memorial Day

The V.I. Education Department released the following statement reflecting on Memorial Day:

Today, as we observe Memorial Day, the Virgin Islands Department of Education stands in solemn remembrance and profound gratitude for the courageous men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces. This day is a hallowed opportunity to honor the selfless sacrifices of those who have fought valiantly and, in many instances, paid the ultimate price to protect our freedoms and uphold the values upon which our nation was built.
The legacy of bravery and dedication exhibited by our fallen heroes is an enduring testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit. Their unwavering commitment to duty and country serves as a guiding light for us all, reminding us of the profound cost of liberty and the enduring power of unity and service.
As educators and members of the community, we hold the responsibility to ensure that the stories and sacrifices of our service members are never forgotten. It is through education and remembrance that we honor their legacy, instilling in our students a deep respect and appreciation for those who have served and continue to serve our great nation.
On this Memorial Day, let us take a moment to reflect on the valor and dedication of our fallen heroes. May we forever keep them in our thoughts and prayers, and may their courage inspire us to contribute to a world that values peace, justice, and freedom for all.
In tribute to the brave hearts who have given everything for our country, we say thank you. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.
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