Legislature Corner: Senator Javan E. James Meets With Officials in Dominica

Senator Javan E. James

“It was an honor to have met with the Honorable Roland Royer, minister for Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy. Among the many topics of discussion in our meeting, we were able to establish mutual ground for the cultivation of a sustainable future for food security for the U.S. Virgin Islands and Dominica. As the chair of the Committee on Economic Development and Agriculture, my team and I will continue to build relationships with our sister islands in the Caribbean,” said Senator Javan James.

Senator Javan James also had the opportunity to meet with Matthan Walter, director of trade; Kerwin JnoBaptiste, executive director of Dominica Association of Industry and Commerce (DAIC), and John Robin, president of Dominica Manufactures Association.

Lastly, the senator met with Dr. Eugene Zamore, dean of academic affairs at the Dominica State College (DSC). There will be a series of meetings with the heads of government and other stakeholders while on island.

Senator Javan James

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