Mixing Residential, Commercial Spaces, No Opposition

Testifiers at Monday’s hearing, from left, Jaugna Nielsen-Bobbit, a representative for Alpine, Jason Charles, chief of external affairs for Alpine, Commissioner Jean-Pierre Oriol, Department of Planning and Natural Resources, and Leia LaPlace-Matthew, Territorial Planner, DPNR. (Screenshot from Facebook)

The Senate Committee of the Whole heard three zoning requests Monday that involved mixing business spaces with residential spaces. The Department of Planning and Natural Resources recommended approval of the requests. The recommendations, along with there being no public comments against the requests, led to all the senators who voiced an opinion saying they would approve the projects.

The Committee of the Whole only hears testimony. Final legislative decisions on zoning requests are made during a full Senate Session.

The Alpine Group, an investment management group, which receives Economic Development Commission benefits, has requested a zoning variance for Parcels A1-24 and A1-25 Estate Thomas, 6K New Quarter, St. Thomas, to allow an office, two one-bedroom apartments, flex space, gym, 13 parking spaces, cistern, and accessory building for generator and garage space. The property down the hill from Paradise Point overlooks Havensight.

Jason Charles, chief of external affairs for Alpine, testified, “The two-story building will have the office on the top floor and the housing on the bottom floor. The housing would not be an open market but for use by employees and visitors. Alpine has a footprint in global markets. At times counterparties and guests will visit Alpine in St. Thomas to have meetings and do due diligence. Approximately ten people (employees and office visitors) would be occupying the site daily.”

He said the request to allow the construction of a permanent office building for Alpine’s headquarters could be a way of seeing Alpine’s commitment to the Virgin Islands. It has been in the territory since 2008. Its present location is in Red Hook. He added that the building would probably cost Alpine between $3 and $6 million.

Mark Grimes, the owner of Parcel 5C Estate Anna’s Retreat, located to the east of (or behind) Walgreens Pharmacy in Tutu, is requesting a variance on that property to allow for “mixed-use” of residential and commercial within a renovated and expanded structure. Grimes has permits for a three-story building with eight commercial units. He has revised plans and wants five commercial and three residential units on the property. Grimes said his investment in the properties was going to be about $1.2 million.

Roger Minkoff, representing Aron Irad Ruan and Irad Ruan, presented a request that a use variance be granted to Parcel 84 Estate Contant, 7B Southside Quarter, St. Thomas. He said the intent is to renovate the existing building and have two office spaces on the bottom floor. The upper floor would be used for dwelling units available for rent to the public. The proposal would be four residential units or less.

Sen. Milton Potter said about the requests, “They are fairly uncontroversial and could be looked at as enhancements to their neighborhoods.”

Sens. Novelle Francis, Jr., Donna A. Frett-Gregory, Angel L. Bolques, Franklin Johnson, Samuel Carrión, Carla Joseph, Javan James, and Marvin Blyden, Alma Francis Heyliger, Dwayne DeGraff, Samuel Carrion, Marise James, Kenneth Gittens, Diane Capehart, and Potter attended the hearing.

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