Failure to Stop Results in Firearm Charges

On Wednesday, police observed a vehicle fail to stop at a red light by Contentment Road. The driver of the vehicle was stopped by a police officer near the Pickard Trade Center, according to reports.

An officer asked the driver if they had anything illegal inside the vehicle, and handed a sack to the officer. The sack had several clear vials and a sandwich bag, all with what appeared to be a green leafy substance in them, according to press release. 

According to police, the driver was ordered out of the vehicle and frisked. A search of the vehicle was conducted and inside a black and grey bag, a handgun with a chip was discovered. 

According to press release, Kaheem Roberts, 39, was arrested for carrying of a firearm; openly or concealed, possession of ammunition, and failure to register a firearm. Bail was set at $50,000, and unable to post bail, Roberts was remanded to corrections pending his advice of rights. 

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