“Crucian Lights and Sparkle on Deh Streets” Mobile Lantern Motorcade Spreads Christmas Cheer on St. Croix

Presented by the Crucian Cultural Group, the 3rd Annual “Culture, Heritage & Tradition” Mobile Lantern Motorcade did not disappoint. The motorcade began in 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions. It was so well received that it has continued to help the Christmas Season off to a wonderful start on St. Croix.

Bright and beautiful vehicles of all kinds took to the roads with horns honking, music playing and glittering decorations galore. Among the creatively lighted entries were Stanley and the Ten Sleepless Knights, playing their distinctive music, and the Gentlemen of Jones greeting spectators along the route.

Starting from Ricardo Richards School and then winding through multiple neighborhoods, the motorcade was a welcome sight as the Christmas season comes into full swing. The motorcade passed through Christiansted on Kings Street, then finished in Gallows Bay at the Canegata Ball Park. The motorcade was followed from downtown Christiansted by a tramp.

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