Water Bottle Stops School Bus

Someone aboard the #10 school bus serving St. Croix Educational Complex High School threw a bottle at the driver. No one was hurt in the incident, officials said Tuesday, but bus service is suspended until the identity of the unruly student is discovered.

The bus was in motion when the water bottle was thrown Monday and could have resulted in a serious accident, said Cynthia Graham, public relations director for the Virgin Islands Department of Education.

“It’s so dangerous to attack, assault, throw anything at the bus driver, to throw anything outside the bus, if you’re standing outside the bus and you’re throwing things into the bus — all of these things are dangerous, and it puts everyone’s life at risk,” Graham said. “Imagine if that bus driver had swerved.”

The decision to stop bus service along the route from Frederiksted, through La Grange and Concordia, to the high school was made in concert with Abramson Enterprises, the school bus operators.

“This is not the first time we’ve suspended service because of unruly behavior on the bus,” Graham said. “We don’t do it often unless it’s so egregious like this one is.”

No one has come forward with the identity of the student or students responsible, she said. Until then, students on the route will need to find another way to school.

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