SRMC Hospital Week Activities Honor Employee Commitment

Schneider Regional’s Chief Executive Officer Tina Comissiong praises hospital staff for their commitment to the medical center during a packed employee appreciation event Wednesday, May 11, 2022. (Ananta Pancham photo)

In the middle of National Hospital Week activities, Schneider Regional Medical Center administrators honored the commitment of staff that they said have gone “above and beyond” in the aftermath of two hurricanes, a global pandemic and challenges – like a shortage of human capital – that are plaguing medical systems across the board.

“We are the only ones on island that are doing what we do,” Schneider Vice President of Human Resources Rolda Mason said during an appreciation event held Wednesday at the hospital. “This community would not be the same if we just disappeared.”

Mason and CEO Tina Comissiong outlined what the day-to-day has been for their team over the past four years, including high patient volumes, and more than 24-hour days.

“We’re fully cognizant that many of you spend more hours here than you do at home,” Mason said. But being able to watch the staff deliver quality care and even have a little fun while they do it is rewarding, she added.

Employees honored Wednesday totaled 73, along with 14 retirees who Mason said the hospital “treasure” and will continue to look for ways to recognize.

Comissiong added that telling the stories of the staff and what they do is part of that process.

“The senior leadership team and I are so happy to celebrate our entire hospital, and all of our employees, for the great work and the loving care that you give to our community. You are each doing meaningful work, and I hope you feel that. Employees of this organization have shown that when necessary, we are committed to rising to the occasion. We have taken on unimaginable challenges and met every one successfully.”

In the face of crises, the staff has also remained “steadfast,” “strong” and continues to persevere, she said. Each department is different and contributes to the collective whole in a variety of ways, but it takes all working together to make to keep the hospital running.

“We all want to feel comfortable coming here for care, and we can – because we do provide great care here. We have to empower each other and emanate positivity – we need to celebrate and tell our good stories, and we have got to build back the pride and morale in our hospital,” Comissiong said. “We have so many good stories and so many good wonderful things happening here, and it’s really our employees that are our brand. The organization is us, actual real people working day in and day out to provide a valuable service. It takes very special people to do this job.”

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