Governor Nominates Bosede Bruce for Finance Commissioner

Bosede Bruce was nominated Monday by Gov. Albert Bryan Jr. to lead the Finance Department. (Screen capture)

Gov. Albert Bryan, Jr. announced Monday the appointment of Bosede Bruce as his nominee to lead the Finance Department, praising her more than two decades of experience in accounting and finance.

Bruce would replace Kirk Callwood, who was ousted in October over unauthorized stipends for staff. Assistant Finance Commissioner Clarina Modeste took over the post in an acting capacity at that time.

A native of St. John, Bruce would, if confirmed, return to the territory from Chicago, where she worked as the comptroller for Echelon Property & Casualty Insurance. Bruce earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Tuskegee University and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of the Virgin Islands.

Bruce met Monday with Finance Department staff on St. Thomas and will head to St. Croix later in the week.

Speaking publicly for the first time since her nomination at Monday’s weekly press briefing on St. Thomas, Bruce said she is looking “forward to taking a deep dive and learning the department in and out.”

“It is time for me to be home, and I am honored to represent the St. John community that nurtured me,” she said. “I’m looking forward to meeting the staff and to a successful confirmation.”

Bruce’s nomination will now head to the Senate for final approval.

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