Public Works Commissioner Nelson Petty Jr. Resigns

Public Works Commissioner Nelson Petty Jr. testifies during Tuesday’s Committee on Finance hearing. (Photo by Barry Leerdam, V.I. Legislature)
Public Works Commissioner Nelson Petty Jr. testifies before the Senate during a June 2020 hearing. (Photo by Barry Leerdam, V.I. Legislature)

Public Works Commissioner Nelson Petty Jr. is leaving his post at the end of December to work as a division manager for a private company.

“Commissioner Petty is leaving some large boots to fill, and while the territory, and the Bryan/Roach administration, will miss the excellent job he has done since taking the helm of the department in 2017, I wish him nothing but success in his new role,” Gov. Albert Bryan Jr. said in a statement.

In the same statement, Petty said some of the more memorable projects he has undertaken while heading Public Works include the expansion of Veterans Drive on the St. Thomas waterfront, ongoing repairs and construction on Melvin Evans Highway on St. Croix, the main street enhancement project in downtown Charlotte Amalie and the new VITRAN transit maintenance and operations bus facility on St. Croix.

“Being the commissioner over the last three years has afforded me the opportunity to meet and make lasting connections with members of the governor’s Cabinet, governing boards, members of the Chambers of Commerce, business leaders, contractors and others, for which I am truly thankful,” Petty said. “However, I am most appreciative of the bonds that were formed with the employees of the Department of Public Works. I wish them well and have every confidence that they will continue to serve the people of the Virgin Islands honorably and to the best of their ability.”

“I’d also like to thank Gov. Bryan and Lt. Gov. Tregenza Roach for this opportunity to serve the Virgin Islands,” he continued.

Petty joined Public Works in 1996 and held several positions there, including overseeing the Federal Highway Division, until accepting the nomination for commissioner in 2018.

He served as acting commissioner after the departure of Gustav James in 2017.

Assistant Commissioner Dennis Brow will be the acting commissioner starting on Jan. 1.

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